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Tag: Hume SoCal

  • A Look at Hume SoCal

    A Look at Hume SoCal

    Richelle Latona with Hume SoCal Site Director, Bob Mull There is SO much excitement around Hume SoCal. This gorgeous camp located in the San Bernardino Mountains is something special. I had a chance to connect with Bob Mull, the Site Director of Hume SoCal, and ask him a few of the frequently asked questions we…

  • No Camper Left Behind…

    No Camper Left Behind…

    The 2023 Hume Tour has wrapped up, and we were thrilled to see so many of you! The tour allows us to share how the Lord has been at work, through your partnership with us, at Hume! You help us, through your generosity, move the ministry of Hume forward. What a gift you are. This…