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Tag: country fair

  • A Family’s Tradition

    A Family’s Tradition

    By: Roopa Lee For the last several years, my family and I have made it a beloved end-of-summer tradition to attend Country Fair. My kids talk about Country Fair all year long! Hume has profoundly impacted and shaped my life in many ways, and sharing this place with my family has been so meaningful.  It…

  • Celebrate Tradition at Hume’s Annual Country Fair!

    Celebrate Tradition at Hume’s Annual Country Fair!

    Experience the tradition of Hume’s Country Fair—a true homecoming that brings together friends and family who have shared in the Hume story. Relive cherished memories and create new ones amidst kids playing by the Lake, the live auction, and the infectious laughter of everyone having a great time. And let’s not forget the enticing aromas…

  • Transformed By Visiting

    Transformed By Visiting

    By: Megan Boyd Megan attended Ponderosa as a camper and now is a mom and runs MOPS at her church, Redwood Chapel, in Castro Valley. She has three adorable kids and a husband, Aaron.

  • Will you be at Country Fair?

    Will you be at Country Fair?

    Cinnamon rolls. Rend Collective in concert. Hume friends and family. It will all be at Country Fair, a weekend not to be missed! If you have attended a Country Fair, you know that the weekend is special! It is full of fun and traditions and all things Hume. If you haven’t had the chance, this…

  • Join Us for Country Fair ’23

    Join Us for Country Fair ’23

    Tradition. That is the best way to sum up Hume’s Country Fair. It feels like a homecoming. Seeing people that you have worked with, served alongside, have been part of your Hume story. Hearing the sounds of kids running around, the auction happening, and people having fun. Not to mention the smells of the fair!…