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Tag: contest

  • November Contest

    November Contest

    Here is a chance to win 2 Hume milkshake coupons. All you have to do is email rlatona@hume.org your answer to:  What are you grateful for? In this season of Thanksgiving, we want to hear what you are thankful for. There is no right or wrong answer! When you email in your answer, you will…

  • October Contest

    October Contest

    Here is a chance to win 2 Hume milkshake coupons. All you have to do is email rlatona@hume.org your answer to:  Have you ever attended a Hume Retreat? Let us know which one! And if you haven’t been to a retreat, let us know which one you wish you could attend someday soon!  There is…

  • September Contest!

    September Contest!

    Here is a chance to win 2 Hume milkshake coupons. All you have to do is email rlatona@hume.org your answer to: You walk in to the Snack Shop and order…? There is no right or wrong answer! Just a fun contest to hear what you would order. Hume Burger and fries? Milkshake and a corndog?…

  • July Contest!

    July Contest!

    Here is a chance to win a $25 gift card to the Hume Apparel Store! All you have to do is email rlatona@hume.org your answer to: What is your Favorite Hume Summer Rec Game or Event? Is it Kajabi? Pond Comp? Bike Jump? Let us know! We will draw from all the submissions! Hume is…

  • March Contest

    March Contest

    Here is a chance to win two free Hume Milkshakes! Email rlatona@hume.org your guess to: How many dishes are washed in the Ponderosa dish room each summer? That is all you have to do! Grab out a calculator. Send in a guess. Brainstorm how many people use dishes in the summer. Just email rlatona@hume.org your…

  • February Contest!

    February Contest!

    Here is a chance to win a gift certificate to the Hume Apparel Store! Email rlatona@hume.org TEN themes that you can think of from Hume. Themes are what Hume has used as their summer theme. That is all you have to do! Brainstorm. Google. Ask around. Go down memory lane and list ten themes and…