Up At Hume Newsletter
A monthly newsletter to keep you connected.
  • Touchdowns and Triumphs: Recapping Hume Football Camp

    Touchdowns and Triumphs: Recapping Hume Football Camp

    By: Russell Halterman, School Ministries Director More than just a training ground for gridiron ability, Hume Lake Football Camp serves as a haven for public high school football players, offering them not only the chance to work on their skills but also to come together as a team and hear the Gospel message. For many…

  • Help Send a Kid to Camp: This June, Donate to Hume  Camperships and Receive a Special Gift!

    Help Send a Kid to Camp: This June, Donate to Hume Camperships and Receive a Special Gift!

    By: Richelle Latona, Director of Alumni Relations and Hume Fund As summer approaches and the days get longer, we’re buzzing with excitement here at Hume! June marks the start of an amazing season at our three beautiful camp locations, where kids and teens come together for adventure and friendship, and most importantly, to hear the…

  • June Contest

    June Contest

    Win 4 Free Milkshakes at Hume: Enter the Fun Pancake Breakfast Contest! Get ready for a summer filled with delicious pancakes at Hume! We are excited to announce our Pancake Breakfast at Inspiration Point, happening every Tuesday morning from June 18th through August 6th. From 7am to 8:30am, you and your family can enjoy a…

  • Thank You, Men on a Mission!

    Thank You, Men on a Mission!

    By: Tim Kapadia, Chief Development Officer For 25 years and counting, the Men On a Mission team from Emmanuel Faith Community Church in Escondido, CA, has hosted a family work week at Hume Lake, under the leadership of Mark and Kathy Pearsey. They have completed hundreds of needed jobs and tasks, from skilled labor projects…

  • From Catalog to Cargo: The Power of Your Generosity

    From Catalog to Cargo: The Power of Your Generosity

    By: Richelle Latona This week marked a truly extraordinary moment! Picture this: Two mighty semi-trucks, brimming with 600 gleaming, brand-new camp mattresses, made their triumphant arrival at Hume Lake. And guess what? This incredible delivery is all thanks to YOU — yes, YOU! Remember our very first Hume Christmas Catalog from the holiday season? A…

  • Busy: A Devotional

    Busy: A Devotional

    By: Kenzie Deneault, Hume Lake Guest Group Coordinator I have never met a person who, when I ask how they are doing, at one point, their answer isn’t “busy.” What an interesting word, busy. When someone uses that word, it can mean one hundred different kinds of “busy.”  One thing that seems to be consistent though…

  • Become a Hume Prayer Partner!

    Become a Hume Prayer Partner!

    Summer is coming and each campus and department are busy preparing for campers. Prayer is vital to this ministry. Would you consider being a Hume Prayer Partner to join with others in praying for this ministry? Hume was born out of several Christian men coming together to pray. These men sensed the need for revival…

  • Spring Update: Hume New England

    Spring Update: Hume New England

    By: Tim Desilets, Hume New England Site Director Greetings from Hume New England! It’s Spring here in Monterey, Massachusetts which means our red Adirondack chairs are spread out around the property, flowers are starting to pop up, and the grass will soon need to be mowed!  We have plenty to celebrate this spring, so we…

  • Alumni Spotlight: Norm Covell

    Alumni Spotlight: Norm Covell

    Norm writes: God’s adventure with me at Hume Lake began the summer of 1954 when I was able to attend a Christian Endeavor high school camp. This was the eighth year of camp operations at Hume. I was immediately caught up in God’s natural beauty and by the end of the week, I was very…

  • May Contest

    May Contest

    Want to win Hume Milkshakes for FOUR? All you have to do is take a guess at this question: How many miles is it around Hume Lake? To enter, email in your guess/answer to how many miles it is around Hume Lake (just the lake- not the whole property). Send your guess to rlatona@hume.org. It’s…