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Wagon Train Summer Recap

By: Wagon Master Shaka

Beloved Reader, Howdy! As I recount what the Lord has done in Wagon Train in the summer of 2024, I am flooded with praise and deep appreciation for “Who” the Lord is. Before the start of this summer, we, the Camp Directors, were impressed to look at the person of Jesus through the eyes of the book of Matthew. Our summer theme in Wagon Train was “WHO”- who do you reckon I am? Derived from Matthew 16, where Jesus posed this question to His disciples, “Who do you say I am?” We also asked that question each day of summer.

The Lord granted me a group of individuals to help carry out this theme and program planned for Wagon Train. Sweet individuals that loved the Lord and each other so very well. I was blessed with an assistant director who did a phenomenal job fusing the team as a tight-knit unit. They’ve helped in immeasurable ways daily, presenting Jesus both in word and in deed.

Also, every activity and recreation that was planned was done in a way that would propel campers, counselors, and staff to 1 of 2 things: the word being taught that day and/or the theme of the summer. So that when the campers crafted leather bracelets, they’d hammer names of God into the leather in the hope that it would remind them of who God is. When they shot arrows at archery, they would see mankind’s inability to consistently hit the mark as all have “fallen short” and miss the standards of the Lord. When rappelling down Chipmunk Rock, we’d see the visual of why it is important to trust in our Lord, as those assailing needed to trust in their belayer.

As fun as summer is, I am always drawn to weighing out what is of eternal value. If games are useful to proclaim the person and work of Jesus, then let us play hard. If counselors chasing campers with old socks help the kids to hear the Word of God being preached (the game of Ah Fong!), may we empty the sock shelf at Target.

While planning for the summer’s theme, I was reminded that Wagon Train is a foundational camp. The teaching in Wagon Train is both the laying and solidifying doctrinal basics that support the building up of the believer. In a couple of conversations with Bob Phillips, a previous Wagon Master or Wagon Train Director, he stated, “What makes Wagon Train so special?… We teach Doctrine.” That was a great reminder, given that Wagon Train’s age focus falls on the most mentally formative years of our youth, namely the 8–11-year-old age range.

So, for Summer 2024, we presented three doctrinal thoughts of the person of Jesus. We investigated who Jesus is, the work that he has done and is doing, and lastly, the work that he requires of the believer. Every Monday and Tuesday of the summer, we approached the doctrine of Jesus’ hypostasis. On Monday, we looked at Jesus as being fully divine or truly God. Tuesday, we considered that Jesus was also fully and truly man. This enabled us to examine the Gospel, which was presented every Wednesday.

In Hume fashion, after the Gospel was presented, we offered a time of “response,” where campers and counselors could further dissect the message of Jesus’ work of salvation and all its implications. One of my favorite moments was the Thursday morning counselor meetings because the counselors would share what conversations and conversions took place the evening prior. On Thursdays, we would discuss Jesus’ Lordship and, subsequently, what he commands of us. We’d highlight Jesus’ commissioning of the disciples and, consequently, all the believers to follow, including us.

Finally, each Friday night, another one of my favorite moments, comes Victory Circle. A longstanding Hume youth camp tradition where the whole camp sits around a fire remembering what the Lord has done within the week, and celebrating His victory in the lives that were converted by the Lord at camp. As an offering of praise to our Lord we ascribed four phrases gleaned from scripture that were the daily themes throughout the week. At the top of their lungs, around a campfire at the top of the Kings Canyon National Park, a couple of hundred individuals would scream four statements as praise to God: 1) Jesus is God, 2) Jesus is Man, 3) Jesus Saves, and 4) Jesus is Lord. Hearing the echoes of each phrase resounding in nature each week would remind me that all of creation declares God’s glory! It is for His Glory that I write this.

My family has truly been blessed by this sweet kindness that God would allow us to partner with Him in what He is doing through Hume and Wagon Train. The Lord has gifted me with a wife and partner who is both beautiful and strong, and that we could rear our two beautiful children in a way that honors the Lord. This enables me the privilege to assume responsibility and stewardship of Wagon Train. What a joy it was to serve as The Wagon Master this summer.

I pray that this brief account of summer would glorify the Lord and serve as an encouragement to you to seek the Lord with all your heart. Whether you are a believer or not, it is of the utmost importance that you learn and know who Jesus is.

With the love of our Lord Christ Jesus,

Wagon Master Shaka, Mrs. Shaka and the Shaka-lettes





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