Up At Hume Newsletter
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A Church’s Perspective

By: Heather Mahoney

Hume Lake means more to Crossroads than I can possibly communicate. Our church has had a relationship with Hume for almost forty years. Not only has God used Hume in major ways in my own life as a camper, He continues to move in some pretty special ways throughout our next-gen today.

This summer, we had the opportunity to bring campers to all four camps up at the lake. We continue to return every year. The programming is top-notch, the leadership continues to rise up, the camper experience is held in such high regard, and Hume continues to provide such great spaces for leaders to lead. The bottom line is, Hume takes care of the hardest parts of camp and allows pastors to pastor. It’s with much gratitude that I joyfully share some of the impact that camp had on our campers and counselors this summer. 

We had thirty one campers and one counselor who chose to be baptized on Friday at the lake. Reagan stood up in the chapel last year to dedicate her life to the Lord, and this year, the day after her one-year anniversary of her commitment to Christ, she was baptized. Pete, a Meadow Ranch counselor, was baptized and then was able to help baptize his son, Dominic, a Ponderosa camper. We baptized our first Wagon Train student up at camp, Grahm, whose grandpa drove up to help baptize him alongside his sister, Brynn, who was in Meadow Ranch for the first time. What a special day!

Our Wildwood campers haven’t stopped talking about moving rocks and getting to help build a church up at Wildwood. Wagon Train campers are still talking about the dragon who ziplined in during their opener and how they left camp on Saturday morning excited to stand firm in their relationship with God. And we returned home from camp in mid-June!  Corey Fenn, our Meadow Ranch speaker, helped middle school campers understand what it looks like to stand firm in their walks with the Lord, without compromise. Ponderosa campers are still reminiscing on seminar day, Thursday’s evening decision night message, and victory circle. Of course, D&G, the Blob, the Meadow Ranch Rec Song, Slime-O-Rama, the High Ropes Course, Kajabe, and then ten-person paddle boards are all still topics of discussion. But, what was so special about our time at camp this year was how God was on the move, opening hearts, changing hearts, calling people to Him and back to Him. What a powerful summer. 

I’ve been taking students to Hume as a leader since Johnie Moore was directing Meadow Ranch. I’m old. Guess what!? It’s still worth it. It’s still worth only being home from camp for one month and already beginning to prepare for camp again. Our first golf fundraiser is only a few months away. Our first babysitting fundraiser is next month. And it all continues to be worth it, year after year. Because God still uses Hume as such a catalyst in our camper’s life, drawing people to Him and changing the trajectory of lives. This year I had one counselor tour the Joshua Wilderness Institute, and he was hooked within minutes. He wasn’t home two days before he applied. Adari has been accepted and will be starting this fall. One of my counselors who had been praying and waiting regarding where to head to college after finishing his General Ed and decided to pursue ministry and is headed up to a Christian University next month. It’s amazing what God does and how He speaks to us, when we have time away with Him up in the mountains. And He does it year after year. So thank you Hume staff, Hume donors, prayer partners and more. We are so grateful for June 11-17, 2023. Hearts and lives have been changed. We eagerly await week 2 summer 2024. May God be glorified!

Heather has been married for almost 22 years to Sean. She thinks he is pretty great! They have three kids, Jessie, Payton, and Cooper. Heather and Sean both serve on staff at Crossroads Grace Community Church in Manteca, CA. Heather has been on the staff for 23 years and serves as the Next Gen Director.