By: Emily Marschner, Creative Arts Conference Director
Our theme for the Creative Arts Conference this year is “Wonder” which comes from our theme scripture, Psalm 145. In this Psalm, David declares the wonders of God. He begins the Psalm (in the third verse) admitting that God’s greatness is unsearchable. And yet, he continues through the rest of the Psalm proclaiming the greatness of God. He speaks of God’s mighty works, His righteousness, His condescension towards broken humanity. David is essentially saying that we will never be able to plumb the depths of the goodness and greatness of God, BUT, God has given us the grace to start digging.
As we fix our eyes on the wonders of God – on who He is, and all He has made, our focus shifts from ourselves to the bigger picture. As Jonathan Rogers says, “No one stands at the edge of the Grand Canyon and thinks about how great they are.” Rather, our thoughts are fixated on the greatness before us.
Our hope for the Creative Arts Conference is that our hearts are so set on discovering who God is, that we become less concerned about how in the world we’ll get that book published, or how we can finally make it into the music industry or gain more followers on social media. But rather in our searching for and discovering the treasures of God, we would respond in worship by creating thought-provoking art that points its audience back to our Maker.
Join us this October as we wonder in worship.
The Creative Arts Conference at Hume Lake is a place for artists, musicians, storytellers, and creators to gather together and cultivate their creative gifts, to encourage one another, and be newly equipped to illuminate the world with the goodness, truth, and beauty of Jesus.

Emily Marschner has lived at Hume for 19 years, working in various departments. She loves living the mountain life with her husband Lucas and their kids, Clara and Everett.