Up At Hume Newsletter
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September Contest!

Here is a chance to win 2 Hume milkshake coupons. All you have to do is email rlatona@hume.org your answer to:

You walk in to the Snack Shop and order…?

There is no right or wrong answer! Just a fun contest to hear what you would order. Hume Burger and fries? Milkshake and a corndog? Let us know! When you email in your answer, you will be entered into the contest for the milkshake coupons!

Last month we had asked in our August contest: How many cinnamon rolls are served at a Hume Country Fair? The correct answer is: 1152. Rick Isle had the closest to the correct answer! Rick, we will be mailing you some milkshake coupons. Enoy!


