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Hume Alumni Spotlight: Ben Akina

This Hume Alumni Spotlight is on Ben Akina. Ben writes:

I’ve been working in full-time worship ministry for the last twelve years. I’m in year three at Visalia Church of the Nazarene, where I’m so blessed to be within day trip distance of Hume Lake. I’m 16 years into an extraordinary marriage to a phenomenal woman of God. We welcomed our son Isaiah into the fold in late 2017.

Working summers at Hume Lake (mostly at Meadow Ranch under Jay Johnson and Derek Geer) gave me a purpose and calling that I craved. It’s one of the reasons I changed my career path from secondary education to ministry, and I can’t imagine where I’d be without the perspective God granted me during those Hume summers.

I feel so blessed to be one of the few summer alumni from my era (2000-2005) that still gets to be involved in the ongoing mission of Hume Lake. I’ve been writing film scripts for Hume’s summer and winter themes since 2010. They even let me come up for a few days at the beginning of summer to work with the Meadow Ranch staff as they prep their daily teaching dramas. Working with these hungry young ministers makes me feel proud, inspired, and very, very old.

Are you a Hume Alumni? We would love to invite you this summer to our Hume Alumni VIP Day on July 29th at the Lake. Click below to register!