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Hume Alumni Spotlight: Cheryl Ingels Wagnon

Cheryl writes:

I worked up at Hume from 1970 until 1975, officially on staff, but I grew up at Hume Summers when we bought our family cabin from the age of four. So I was an unofficial staff for years before that, working at the stables alongside Frank Vincent, one of my mentors at Hume, a wonderful dedicated Christian who taught me everything I know about horses.

Also, growing up at Hume, they allowed the cabin owner’s kids to sit in on the camp meetings, which was a big blessing. I grew up listening to Kenny Poure, Bob Phillips, and many other wonderful speakers & musicians. These years greatly influenced my life and my Christian growth.

Since leaving Hume, I’ve worked as a Bookkeeper for Fresno Bible House and Shop N Go and then as a bank teller for many years until retirement. I met my Husband Kyle at Fresno 1st Baptist; we married at Hume in Meadow Ranch Chapel in August 1977; we have one daughter, Laura, whose a RN, and we have four grandkids.

My mother, Sally, worked at Hume, and my sister, Sue, brother Johan, and sister Terry, who is still at Hume working alongside her Husband, Glen. We still have the family cabin and spend time there in the summer. I have a prayer ministry now. I have a group of gals I gather with regularly and lift up in prayer, and with modern connectivity, I have been able to keep in touch with and pray for until our Good Lord comes again to take us home.





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