By: Morgan Zielsdorf
Did you know a big part of helping Hume get ready for the next season is by helping out as a volunteer? It’s a great way to serve with your family and friends alongside our ministry. We have two weeks out of the year designated exactly for this!
These Spring and Fall volunteer weeks help us to transition around camp, meet the needs of camp, and prep for the next season. It’s also a great way to get to know our staff and fellow volunteers who will all be working alongside each other.
In addition to these weeks, we accept volunteers year-round. If you have specialized skills such as electrical, carpentry, plumbing, auto mechanic, etc., we can always use your talents to work on specific projects! If you have any questions about getting involved, please email me at
We greatly appreciate and thank you for your hearts to serve!
If this is something you would be interested in, or would like more info, click on the button below.