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Stories from Camp

By: Analisa De Armas, Winter Camp Program Director

As we journey through the fourth season of program camp at Hume SoCal, the evidence of transformation is undeniable.  Not only has there been growth and newness within Hume SoCal in totality as we have sought to improve each season of camp, but there have also been deep soul transformation within the hearts of students who have attended camp.  This winter’s theme is “ReCrafted” which focuses on the reality of our transformation because of Jesus Christ.  Our theme verse is 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 where the apostle Paul writes, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.  All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.” 

This winter’s spiritual direction has allowed campers to learn how the Gospel of Jesus Christ demands an invitation to put off old identities, declares that we are made alive in Christ, and transforms us into new creations who bear the image of Christ.  The stories of life transformation are abounding at Hume SoCal this winter.

First, one student expressed that while at camp, he understood so clearly what the Gospel was and was eager to go home and discuss it with his dad, who was a pastor.  After so many years of being a pastor’s kid, he was genuinely able to now articulate the Gospel on his own.  

Secondly, a counselor shared that they had a student in their cabin with various mental disabilities who had never attended an overnight camp before.  Because the student’s mom was very nervous about her child attending camp, the counselor was able to pray with and encourage her.  During the weekend, the student’s mom called the counselor to express that the Lord had used her child’s camp experience to reignite her own faith.  To add to that, the student had an amazing time at camp and was clearly filled with the joy of the Lord!

Lastly, after the speaker presented the Gospel, a counselor, with tears in their eyes and a big smile, expressed that a student whose leaders had been praying for over a long period of time had finally given their life to Jesus.

From a student’s confidence in articulating the Gospel, to a mom’s reignited faith, to a student’s life fully surrendered to Jesus, transformation because of the work of Jesus Christ is so clearly being experienced through Hume SoCal this winter.  To God be the glory!