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Meet Tim Desilets

By: Richelle Latona

I had the pleasure of interviewing our new Hume New England Site Director, Tim Desilets. Read on to hear about his heart for Hume and to see how he feels about a Hume Milkshake…

Hey Tim! We are happy to have you as the Hume New England Site Director. Can you tell us a little about yourself?  

My wife, Mandy, and I have been married for 21 years. We have three daughters – Ada (16), Amelia (14), and Anna (11). We love camping, hiking, playing games, and adventuring as a family! 

John Szablowski, the previous site director, retired last spring. We had been praying for the right person for the job. How did you find out about Hume New England? 

After being a youth pastor in the suburbs of Philadelphia for the last 15 years, I was looking for a new ministry opportunity and felt very called to come back to New England, where I grew up. This past summer, I worked at a Christian Camp in Iowa, where I met a pastor who told me about Hume’s mission and New England opportunities. I applied and felt God’s hand on me throughout the process as I met with Hume leadership and the staff here in New England.   

You are a New Englander (born and raised)… Can you tell us how you see the Lord moving in the New England area? 

I was born in Vermont and am excited to return to New England. You may have heard that New England contains some of the “least churched” areas of the country. Some see this as a hardship, but I see it as an opportunity. There are students in our area of reach who have never heard the gospel message, and we look forward to continuing to be a place where churches can bring students to hear that message communicated clearly and without distractions. There is also a great opportunity to help churches network with one another to know that they aren’t alone in that endeavor.   

Very important Hume question. Hume Pazookie or Hume Milkshake? You can only choose one. 

I had my first Hume Milkshake during my orientation week at Hume Lake this past November. Definitely a favorite! 

What are you looking forward to most for Hume New England in this new year? 

I’m really excited to see Hume New England in action! I arrived in mid-November and haven’t been here for a Program Camp yet. Winter Camp starts the last weekend in January, and I’m thrilled to see the camp filled with campers and youth pastors ready to hear from God. As we move through the year, I’m looking forward to building relationships with churches and people as we expand Hume’s impact and reach here in the Northeast! 

How can we all be praying for you and your family? 

We’re continuing to ask for prayers as we transition. For quality friends and relationships at our kids’ schools, the church we’ve decided to attend, and the people we interact with here in this community.   

How can we pray for Hume New England and your staff? 

For health and endurance as we enter the busiest part of our Winter season and that God will continue to bring quality staff to work here that are committed to our mission to spread the Gospel throughout New England.   


